Histoire de la ville anglo-saxonne

par Arnaud Lestremau

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Sommaire :

1. Etudes historiques

1.1. Les bilans de l’histoire urbaine britannique

1.2. Entrées thématiques

2. Sciences auxiliaires, mais indispensables : archéologie, topographie et numismatique

2.1. La numismatique comme source de l’histoire urbaine

2.2 Ouvrages et articles généraux, prenant appui sur des données essentiellement archéologiques

2.3. Etudes topographiques, toponymiques et géographie historique

3. Monographies

3.1. Monographies régionales

3.2. Wessex

3.3. Kent

3.4. West Midlands

3.5. Essex

3.6. Five Boroughs

3.7. East Midlands

3.8. East Anglia

3.9. Northumbria

1. Etudes historiques

1.1. Les bilans de l’histoire urbaine britannique

1.1.1. Synthèses européennes

1. BARLEY, Maurice Wilmore, European Towns : Their Archaeology and Early History, London, Academy Press for the Council for British Archaeology, 1977.
2. CHRISTIE, Neil, LOSEBY, Simon, Towns in Transition : Urban Evolution in Later Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, Aldershot, Aldershot Scolar Press, 1996.
3. CLARKE, Helen, AMBROSIANI, Bjorn, Towns in the Viking Age, New York, Saint Martin’s Press, 1991.
4. CLARKE, Howard, SIMMS, Anngret, The Comparative History of Urban Origins in Non-Roman Europe. Ireland, Wales, Denmark, Germany, Poland and Russia from the ninth to the thirteenth century, Oxford, British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 255, 1985.
5. HILTON, Rodney Howard, English and French Towns in Feudal Society : A Comparative Study, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1992.
6. HODGES, Richard, Dark Age Economics : The Origins of Towns and Trade, 600-1000, London, Duckworth, 1982.
7. HODGES, Richard Andrew, HOBLEY, Brian, The Rebirth of Towns in the West, 700-1050, London, Council for British Archaeology Research Report, 1988 :
- AMBROSIANI, Bjorn, "The prehistory of towns in Sweden", p.63-68.
- BRISBANE, Mark, "Hamwic (Saxon Southampton) : an Eighth Century Port and Production Centre", p.101-108.
- WADE, Keith, "Ipswich", p.93-100.
8. HOHENBERG, Paul, LEES, Lynn Hollen, La formation de l’Europe urbaine, 1000-1950, Paris, PUF, 1992 (traduction de The Making of Urban Europe, Cambridge-London, Harvard University Press, 1985).
9. PINOL, Jean-Luc, Histoire de l’Europe urbaine, Paris, Seuil, 2003 (réédition) : Tome 1, Livre 2 "La ville médiévale", Première Partie "Les nouveaux modèles d’urbanisation au haut Moyen Âge".
10. REYNOLDS, Susan, Kingdoms and Communities in Western Europe 900-1300, Oxford, 1984 (2nd edition Oxford, Clarendon, 1997).
11. SCHOFIELD, John, VINCE, Alan, Medieval Towns, London, Leicester University Press, 1994.
12. VERHULST, Adriaan, "The origins and early development of medieval towns in northern Europe", dans Economic History Review, XLVII, 2, 1994, p.362-373.
13. VERHULST, Adriaan, Rural and Urban Aspects of Early Medieval Northwest Europe, Aldershot, Variorum Reprints, 1992.

1.1.2. Synthèses nationales

14. BERESFORD, Maurice Warwick, "English medieval boroughs : a hand-list : revisions 1973-81", dans Urban History Yearbook, 1981, p.59-65.
15. CAMPBELL, James, WORMALD, Patrick, JOHN Eric, The Anglo-Saxons, London, Penguin, 1982.
16. CAMPBELL, James, Essays in Anglo-Saxon History, London, Hambledon, 1986.
17. CAMPBELL, James, "Bede’s words for places", in SAWYER, Peter Hayes, Names, words and graves : early medieval settlements, Leeds, Leeds University Press, 1979, p.34-54.
18. CLEMOES, Peter, HUGHES, Kathleen, England Before the Conquest : Studies in Primary Sources Presented to Dorothy Whitelock, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1971.
19. DYER, Christopher, "How urbanized was medieval England ?", dans DUVOSQUEL, Jean-Marie, and THOEN, Erik, Peasants and Townsmen in Medieval Europe, Ghent, Snoeck-Ducajn & Zoon, 1995, p.169-83.
20. EVERETT, Alan, "The primary towns of England", dans Local Historian, 11-5, 1975, p.263-77.
21. HASLAM, Jeremy, Early Medieval Towns in Britain c.700 to 1140, Princes Risborough, Shire Publications, Shire Archaeology, 45, 1985.
22. HILL, David, "The origins of the Saxon towns", dans BRANDON, The South Saxons, London / Chichester, Phillimore, 1978, p.174-189.
23. HILL, David, An Atlas of Anglo-Saxon England, Oxford, Blackwell, 1981.
24. HODGES, Richard, The Anglo-Saxon Achievement, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1989 ; essentiellement ch. 4.
25. LOYN, Henry Royston, "Towns in late Anglo-Saxon England : the evidence and some possible lines of enquiry", dans CLEMOES, Peter, HUGHES, Kathleen, England Before the Conquest : Studies in Primary Sources Presented to Dorothy Whitelock, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1971, p.115-128.
26. MAITLAND, Frederic William, "Township and Borough", in CAM, Helen, Selected historical essays of Frederic William Maitland, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1957.
27. MARTIN, Geoffrey Howard, MACINTYRE, Sylvia, A Bibliography of British and Irish Municipal History, Leicester, Leicester University Press, 1972.
28.PALLISER, David Michael, The Cambridge Urban History of Britain, I : 600-1540, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2001.
29.PALLISER, David Michael, "English medieval cities and towns : new directions", dans Journal of Urban History, 23-4, 1997, p.474-487.
30. PLATT, Colin, The English medieval town, London, Seeker and Warburg, 1976.
31. RADFORD, Courtenay Arthur Ralegh , "The Late Pre-Conquest Boroughs and Their Defences", dans Medieval Archaeology, 14, 1970, p.83-103.
32. RADFORD, Courtenay Arthur Ralegh , "The Pre-Conquest Boroughs of England, IX-XIth Centuries", dans Proceedings of the British Academy, 64, 1978, p.131-53.
33. REYNOLDS, Susan, "English towns of the eleventh century in a European context", dans JOHANEK, Peter, Die Stadt im 11 . Jahrhundert, Münster, Institut für vergleichende Städtegeschichte, 1995, p.1sqq.
34. REYNOLDS, Susan, "The Writing of Medieval Urban History in England", dans Theoretische geschiedenis, 19, 1992, p.43-57.
35. REYNOLDS, Susan, An Introduction to the History of English Medieval Towns, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1977.
36. REYNOLDS, Susan, Ideas and Solidarities of the Medieval Laity : England and Western Europe, Aldershot, Variorum Reprints, 1995.
37. REYNOLDS, Susan, "Medieval urban history and the history of political thought",dans Urban History Yearbook, 1982, p.14-23.
38. REYNOLDS, Susan, "Towns in Domesday Book", dans HOLT, James Clarke, Domesday Studies : papers read at the novocentenary conference of the Royal Historical Society and the Institute of British Geographers : Winchester, 1986, Woodbrige, Boydell, 1987, p.295-309.
39. RICHARDS, Julian, Viking Age England, Stroud, Tempus, 2000 (2nd edition).
40. RUSSO, Daniel, Town Origins and Development in Early England, c.400-950 AD, Westport, Greenwood, 1998.
41. SAWYER, Peter Hayes, "The royal tun in pre-Conquest England", dans WORMALD, Patrick, BULLOUGH, Daniel, COLLINS, Roger, Ideal and Reality in Frankish and Anglo-Saxon society, Oxford, Blackwell, 1983, p.273-299.
42. SCULL, Christopher, "Urban Centres in Pre-Viking England ?", dans HINES, John, The Anglo-Saxon from the Migration Period to the Eighth Century, Woodbridge, Boydell, 1997, p.269-310.
43. SMYTH, Alfred, Scandinavian York and Dublin : the History and Archaeology of Two Related Viking Kingdoms, Dublin / New Jersey, Templekieran Press / Humanities Press, 1975-1979.

1.2. Entrées thématiques

1.2.1. Histoire urbaine et histoire politique : la place de l’Etat

44. BLACKBURN, Mark Alistair Sinclair, "Burhs and the Grately Code, cap. 14.2", dans HILL, David, RUMBLE, Alexander, The Defence of Wessex, the Burghal Hidage and Anglo-Saxon Fortifications, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1996, p.160-175.
45. BROOKS, Nicholas, "The Development of Military Obligations in Eighth and Ninth Century England", dans CLEMOES, Peter, HUGHES, Kathleen, England Before the Conquest : Studies in Primary Sources Presented to Dorothy Whitelock, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1971, p.69-84.
46. CAMPBELL, John, "Some Agents and Agencies of the Late Anglo-Saxon State", dans HOLT, John, Domesday Studies, Woodbridge, Boydell, 1987, p.201-218.
47. DEMPSEY, George, "Legal Terminology in Anglo-Saxon England : The Trinoda Necessitas Charter", dans Speculum, 57, 1982, p.843-849.
48. DYSON, Tony, "King Alfred and the restoration of London", dans London Journal, 15-2, 1990, p.99-110.
49. HASLAM, Jeremy, "Market and Fortress in England in the Reign of Offa", dans World Archaeology, 19, 1987, p.76-93.
50. HOLLISTER, Warren, Anglo-Saxon Military Institutions on the Eve of the Norman Conquest, New York, Oxford University Press, 1962.
51. KEYNES, Simon, "King Alfred and the Mercians", dans BLACKBURN, Mark Alistair Sinclair, DUMVILE, David, Kings, Currency and Alliances : Southern England in the 9th Century, Woodbridge, Boydell, Studies in Anglo-Saxon History, 9, 1998, p.1-46.
52. KEYNES, Simon, "The Declining Reputation of King Ethelred the Unready", dans HILL, David, Ethelred the Unready, Papers from the Millenary Conference, Oxford, British Archaeological Reports, British Series, 59, 1978, p.227-254.
53. KEYNES, Simon, LAPIDGE, Michael, Alfred the Great, London, Penguin Books, 1983 : en particulier, p.24-25, 193-194, 339-341.
54. LOYN, Henry Royston, The Governance of Anglo-Saxon England, 500-1087, London, Edward Arnold, 1984.
55. MARTIN, Geoffrey Howard, "Domesday Book and the boroughs", dans SAWYER, Peter Hayes, Domesday Book : A reassessment, London, Edward Arnold, 1985, p.143-63.
56. MARTIN, Geoffrey Howard, "The Domesday boroughs", dans WILLIAMS, Ann, ERSKINE, Robert, Domesday Book Studies, Chichester, Phillimore, 1987, p.56-60.

57. PALLISER, David Michael, "Town defences in medieval England and Wales", dans AYTON, Andrew, PRICE, Leslie, The medieval military revolution : state, society and military change in medieval and early moderne Europe, London, Tauris, 1995, p.105-120.

1.2.2. Histoire urbaine et histoire du catholicisme : la place de l’Eglise

58. BASSETT, Steven, "Anglo-Saxon Shrewsbury and its churches", dans Midland History, 16, 1991, p.1-23.
59. BIDDLE, Martin, "Archaeology, architecture and the cult of saints in Anglo-Saxon England", dans BUTLER, Laurence, MORRIS, Richard, The Anglo-Saxon Church, Council for British Archaeology Research Report, 60, London, 1986, p.1-31.
60. BLAIR, John, "Minster Churches in the Landscape", dans HOOKE, Della, Anglo-Saxon Settlements, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1988, p.35-58.
61. BLAIR, John, "Saint Cuthman, Steyning and Bosham", dans Sussex Archaeological Collections, 135, 1997, p.173-192.
62. BLAIR, John, Minsters and Parish Churches : The local Church in Transition, 950-1200, Oxford, Oxford University Committee for Archaeology, 1988.
63. BLAIR, John, GOLDING, Brian, The Cloister and the World : Essays in Medieval History in Honour of Barbara Harvey, Oxford, 1996.
64. BLAIR, John, SHARPE, Richard, Pastoral Care Before the Parish, Leicester, Leicester University Press, 1992.
65. BROOKS, Nicholas, CUBITT, Catherine, Saint Oswald of Worcester : Life and Influence, London, Leicester University Press, 1996.
66. CAMPBELL, James, "The Church in Anglo-Saxon towns", dans BAKER, Derek, The Church in Town and Countryside, Oxford, Blackwell, 1979.
67. CRAMP, Rosemary, "Monastic Sites", dans WILSON, David MacKenzie, The archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England, London, Methuen, 1976, p.201-252.
68. CUBITT, Catherine, Anglo-Saxon Church Councils, 650-850, Leicester, Leicester University Press, 1995 ; essentiellement p.312-313.
69. GEM, Richard, "Architecture of the Anglo-Saxon Church, 735 to 870", dans Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 146, 1993, p.29-66.
70. HADLEY, Dawn, "Conquest, Colonization and the Church : Ecclesiastical Organization in the Danelaw", dans Historical Research, 69/169, 1996, p.109-128.
71. KELLY, Susan, "The Anglo-Saxon Abbey", dans GEM, Richard, Saint Augustine’s Abbey, London, Batsford, 1997, p.33-49.
72. MELLOWS, William Thomas, "The Estates of the Monastery of Peterborough in the County of Lincolnshire", dans Lincolnshire Historians, 3, 1948, p.100-114.
73. MORRIS, Richard, "Baptismal Places, 600-800", dans WOOD, Ian, LUND, Niels, Peoples and Places in Northern Europe, 500-1600, Woodbridge, Boydell, 1991, p.15-24.
74. MORRIS, Richard, Churches in the Landscape, London, Dent, 1989.
75. RODWELL, Warwick, Historic Churches : a wasting asset, London, Council for British Archaeology Research Report, 19, 1977.
76. ROGERS, Alan, "Parish Boundaries and Urban History", dans Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 35, 1972, p.46-64.
77. ROLLASON, David, "List of saints’ resting-places in Anglo-Saxon England", dans Anglo-Saxon England, 7, 1978, p.61-94.
78. ROLLASON, David, "The Cult of murdered royal saints in Anglo-Saxon England", dans Anglo-Saxon England, 11, 1983, p.1-22.
79. ROLLASON, David, Saints and Relics in Anglo-Saxon England, Oxford, Blackwell, 1989.
80. SLATER, Terry, ROSSER, Gervase, The Church in the Medieval Town, Aldershot, Ashgate, 1998.
81. TATTON-BROWN, Tim, "The City and Diocese of Canterbury in St Dunstan’s Time", dans RAMSAY, Nigel, SPARKS, Margaret, Saint Dunstan, His Life, Time and Cult, Woodbridge / Rochester, Boydell Press, 1992, p.75-87.
82. THACKER, Alan, "Chester and Gloucester : early ecclesiastical organisation in two Mercian burhs", dans Northern History, 18, 1982, p.199-211.
83. THACKER, Alan, "Kings, saints and monasteries in pre-viking Mercia", dans Midland History, 10, 1985, p.1-25.

1.2.3. Histoire urbaine et histoire économique : le rôle du commerce

84. BALZARETTI, Ross, NELSON, Janet Laughland, "Trade, industry and the wealth of King Alfred", dans Past & Present, 135, 1992, p.142-63.
85. BLAIR, John, RAMSAY, Nigel, English Medieval Industries : Craftsmen, Techniques, Products, London, Hambledon, 1991.
86. BRITNELL, Richard Hugh, "English Markets and Royal Administration before 1200", dans Economic History Review, 31, 1978, p.183-196.
87. BRITNELL, Richard Hugh, The Commercialisation of English Society, 1000-1500, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1997 (réédition).
88. DYER, Christopher, Everyday life in Medieval England, London, Hambledon, 1994.
89. GRIERSON, Philip, "Commerce in the Dark Ages : A Critique of the Evidence", dans Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 9, 1959, p.123-140.
90. GRIFFITHS, David, "The Coastal Trading Ports of the Irish Sea", dans GRAHAM-CAMPBELL, James, Viking Treasure From the North-West : The Cuerdale Hoard in its Context, Liverpool, National Museums & Galleries on Merseyside, 1992, p.63-72.
91. GRIFFITHS, David, "Exchange, trade and urbanisation", dans DAVIES, Wendy, From the Vikings to the Normans 800-1100, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2003, p.73-104.
92. LLOYD, Terence Henry, Alien Merchants in England in the High Middle Ages, Brighton, Harvester Press, 1982.
93. MADDICOTT, John, "Trade, industry and the wealth of King Alfred", dans Past & Present, 123, 1989, p.3-51.
94. NIGHTINGALE, Pamela, A Medieval Mercantile Community : The Grocers’ Company and the Politics and Trade of London, 1000-1485, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1995.
95. PESTELL, Tim, ULMSCHNEIDER, Katharina, Markets in Early Medieval Europe. Trading and "productive" sites, 650-850, Macclesfield, Windgather, 2003.
96. NEWMAN, J, "Exceptional finds, exceptional sites ? Barham and Coddenham, Suffolk ", p.72-77.
97. PESTELL, T, "The afterlife of "productive" sites in East Anglia", p.122-137.
98. ROGERSON, A, "Six middle Anglo-Saxon sites in west Norfolk, p.110-121.
99. RICHARDS, Julian, "What’s so special about "productive sites" ? Middle-Saxon settlements in Northumbria", dans GRIFFITHS, David, DICKINSON, Tania, The Making of Kingdoms, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1999, p.71-80.
100. ROSSER, Gervase, "Crafts, guilds and the negotiation of work in the medieval town", dans Past & Present, 154, 1997, p.3-31.
101. ROSSER, Gervase, "Workers’ associations in English medieval towns", dans LAMBRECHTS, Pascale, SOSSON, Jean-Pierre, Les Métiers au Moyen Age. Aspects économiques et sociaux, Turnhout, Brepols, 1994, p.283-305.
102. SAWYER, Peter Hayes, "Fairs and Markets in Early Medieval England", dans SKYUM-NIELSEN, Niels, LUND, Niels, Danish Medieval History : New Currents, Copenhagen, Museum Tusculanum Press, 1981.
103. SAWYER, Peter Hayes, "Kings and Merchants", dans SAWYER, Peter, WOOD, Ian, Early Medieval Kingship, Leeds, Press of the University of Leeds, "The School of History", 1977, p.139-58.
104. SAWYER, Peter Hayes, "The Wealth of England in the Eleventh Century", dans Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 9, 1965, p.145-165.
105. SAWYER, Peter Hayes, "Early fairs and markets in England and Scandinavia", dans ANDERSON, Bruce Louis, LATHAM, A. J. H., The Market in History : Papers Presented at a Symposium Held 9-13 September 1984 at St. George’s House, Windsor Castle, London, Routledge, 1986, p.59-77.
106. STOCKER, David, "Monuments and Merchants : Irregularities in the Distributions of Stone Sculpture in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire in the Tenth Century", dans HADLEY, Dawn, RICHARDS, Julian, Cultures in Contact : Scandinavian Settlement in England in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries, Turnhout, Brepols, 2000, p.179-212.

1.2.4. Histoire urbaine et histoire sociale : genre et réseaux

107. ASTON, Trevor Henry, COSS, Peter, DYER, Christopher, THIRSK, Joan, Social Relations and Ideas : Essays in Honour of Rodney Howard Hilton, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1983.
108. BARRON, Caroline, "The Golden Age of women in medieval London", dans Reading Medieval Studies, 15, 1989, p.35-58.
109. BASSETT, Steven, Death in Towns : Urban Responses to the Dying and the Dead, 100-1600, Leicester, Leicester University Press, 1992.
110. CORFIELD, Penelope Jane, KEENE, Derek, Work in Towns, 850-1850, Leicester, Leicester University Press, 1990.
111. FLEMING, Robin, "Rural Elites and Urban Communities in Late-Saxon England", dans Past & Present, 141, 1993, p.3-37.
112. HILTON, Rodney Howard, "Towns and Societies in Medieval England", dans Urban History Yearbook, 1992, p.7-13.
113. KELLY, Susan, "Trading privileges from eighth-century England", dans Early Medieval Europe, I, 1992, p.3-28.
114. LEYSER, Henrietta, Medieval Women : A Social History of Women in England 450-1500, London, Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1995.
115. LOYN, Henry Royston, Society and Peoples : Studies in the History of England and Wales, c 600-1200, Turnhout, Brepols, 1992.
116. ROSSER, Gervase, "Myth, image and social process in the English medieval towns", dans Urban History, 23, 1996, p.5-25.
117. ROSSER, Gervase, "The Anglo-Saxon Guilds", dans BLAIR, John, Minsters and Parish Churches : The Local Church in Transition, 950-1200, Oxford, Oxford University Community for Archaeology, p.31-34.
118. WILLIAMS, Ann, "A Bell-House and a Burh-Great : Lordly Residences in England Before the Norman Conquest", dans HARPER-BILL, Christopher, HARVEY, Ruth, Medieval knighthood, 4 : papers from the fifth Strawberry Hill conference, 1990, Woodbridge, Boydell, 1992, p.221-240.

1.2.5. Histoire urbaine et migrations / invasions

119. GRAHAM-CAMPBELL, James, HALL, Richard, JESCH, Judith, PARSONS, David, Vikings and the Danelaw, Select Papers from the Proceedings of the Thirteenth Viking Congress, Oxford, Oxbow, 2001 :
- BLACKBURN, Mark Alistair Sinclair, "Expansion and control : aspects of Anglo-Scandinavian minting south of the Humber", p.125-142.
- GRAHAM-CAMPBELL, James, "Pagan Scandinavian burials in the central and southern Danelaw", p.105-123.
- HALL, Richard, "Anglo-Scandinavian Urban Development in the East Midlands", p.143-155.
- STOCKER, David, EVERSON, Paul, "Five Towns Funerals : Decoding Diversity in Danelaw Stone Sculpture", p.223-243.
- VINCE, Alan, "Lincoln in the Viking Age", p.157-180.
120. HADLEY, Dawn, RICHARDS, Julian, Cultures in Contact : Scandinavian Settlement in England in the ninth and tenth centuries, Turnhout, Brepols, 2000 :
- HALL, Richard, "Anglo-Scandinavian Attitudes : Archaeological Ambiguities in Late Ninth to Mid-Eleventh Century York", p.311-324.
- RICHARDS, Julian, "Identifying Anglo-Scandinavian settlements", p.295-310.
- STOCKER, David, "Monuments and merchants : irregularities in the distribution of stone sculpture in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire in the tenth century", p.179-212.
121. HADLEY, Dawn, The Vikings in England, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2006.
122. HUFFMAN, Joseph, Family, Commerce and Religion in London and Cologne : Anglo-German Emigrants, c. 1000-c 1300, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998.
123. MARGESON, Sue, The Vikings in Norfolk, Norwich, Norfolk Museum Services, 1997.
124. MUSSET, Lucien, Les invasions, Le second assaut contre l’Europe chrétienne, VIIe-XIe siècles, Paris, PUF, "Nouvelle Clio", 1965.

2. Sciences auxiliaires, mais indispensables : Archéologie, topographie et numismatique

2.1. La numismatique comme source de l’histoire urbaine

2.1.1. Ouvrages généraux de numismatique britannique

125. BLACKBURN, Mark Alistair Sinclair, PAGAN, Hugh, "A revised check-list of coin hoards from the British Isles 500-1100", dans BLACKBURN, Mark Alistair Sinclair, Anglo-Saxon Monetary History, Leicester, Leicester University Press, 1986, p.291-313.
126. BLACKBURN, Mark Alistair Sinclair, Anglo-Saxon Monetary History : Essays in Memory of Michael Dolley, Leicester, Leicester University Press, 1986.
127. BLUNT, Christopher, STEWART, Ian, LYON, Stewart, Coinage in Tenth Century England From Edward the Elder to Edgar’s Reform, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1989.
128. DOLLEY, Michael, Anglo-Saxon Coins : studies presented to F. M. Stenton, London, Methuen, 1962.
129. GRIERSON, Philip, BLACKBURN, Mark Alistair Sinclair, Medieval European Coinage, vol 1 : The Early Middle Ages, 5th-10th centuries, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1986, essentiellement aux chapitres 8 et 10.
130. JONSSON, Kenneth, The New Era : The Reformation of the Late Anglo-Saxon Coinage, London, Spink & Son, 1987.
131. METCALF, David Michael, "Continuity and Change in English monetary history, c 973-1086", dans British Numismatic Journal, 51, 1981, p.52-89.
132. METCALF, David Michael, "The monetary history of England in the tenth century viewed in the perspective of the eleventh century", dans BLACKBURN, Mark Alistair Sinclair, Anglo-Saxon Monetary History, Leicester, Leicester University Press, 1986, p.133-157.
133. METCALF, David Michael, An Atlas of Anglo-Saxon and Norman Coin Finds, c 973-1086, London, Ashmolean Museum Publication, 1998.
134. METCALF, David Michael, "The ranking of boroughs : numismatic evidence from the reign of Aethelred II", dans Hill, Ethelred the Unready : Papers from the Millenary Conference, Oxford, British Archaeological Reports, British Series, 59, 1978, p.159-212.
135. NORTH, Jeffrey James, English Hammered Coinage, vol 1 : Early Anglo-Saxon to Henry III, London, Spink & Son, 1994 (3rd edition).

2.1.2. Le contrôle de la monnaie par la monarchie

136. BLACKBURN, Mark Alistair Sinclair, "Aethelred’s Coinage and the Payment of the Tribute", dans SCRAGG, Donald, The Battle of Maldon, 991, Oxford, Blackwell, 1991, p.156-169.
137. BLUNT, Christopher, "The coinage of Athelstan, King of England 924-939. A survey", dans British Numismatic Journal, 42, 1974, p.35-60.
138. LOYN, Henry Royston, "Boroughs and mints AD 900-1066", dans DOLLEY, Michael, Anglo-Saxon Coins : Studies Presented to Frank Merry Stenton, London, Methuen, 1961, p.122-135.
139. STEWART, Ian, "Coinage and Recoinage after Edgar’s Reform", dans JONSSON, Kenneth, Studies in Late Anglo-Saxon Coinage, Stockholm, Numisnatiska Meddelanden, 1990, p.457-485.

2.1.3. La place des monnayeurs et ateliers monétaires

140. SMART, Veronica, "Scandinavians, Celts and Germans in Anglo-Saxon England : the Evidence of Moneyers’ Names", dans BLACKBURN, Mark Alistair Sinclair, Anglo-Saxon Monetary History, Leicester, Leicester University Press, 1986, p.171-184.
141. STEWART, Ian, "Ministri and Monetarii", dans Revue Numismatique, 30, 1988, p.166-175.
142. STEWART, Ian, "The English and Norman Mints, 600-1158", dans CHALLIS, Christopher Edgar, A New History of Royal Mints, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1992, p.1-82.

2.1.4. Etudes régionales

143. BLACKBURN, Mark Alistair Sinclair, COLYER, Christina, DOLLEY, Michael, Early Medieval Coins from Lincoln and its Shire, c. 770-1100, London, Council for British Archaeology Research Report, The Archaeology of Lincoln, vol. 6-6, 1983.

2.2. Ouvrages et articles généraux, prenant appui sur des données essentiellement archéologiques

2.2.1. Ouvrages généraux d’archéologie britannique

144. ASTILL, Grenville, "Towns and Town Hierarchies in Saxon England", dans Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 10, 1991, p.95-117.
145. ASTILL, Grenville, "Archaeological theory and the origins of English towns - a review", dans Archaeologica Polona, 32, 1994, p.27-71.
146. ASTILL, Grenville, "Archaeology and the smaller medieval town", dans Urban History Yearbook, 1985, p.46-53.
147. BATEY, Colleen Elizabeth, "Aspects of rural settlement in Northern Britain", dans HOOKE, Della, BURNELL, Simon, Landscape and Settlement in Britain AD 400-1066, Exeter, University of Exeter Press, 1995, p.69-94.
148. BIDDLE, Martin, "Towns", dans WILSON, David MacKenzie, The archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England, London, Methuen, 1976, p.99-150.
149. BIDDLE, Martin, HILL, David, "Late Saxon Planned Towns", dans Antiquaries Journal, 51, 1971, p.70-85.
150. BROOKS, Dodie, "A review of the evidence for continuity in British towns in the 5th and 6th centuries", dans Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 5, 1986, p.77-102.
151. CARVER, Martin Oswald Hugh, Arguments in Stone, Archaeological Research and the European Town in the First Millenium, Oxford, Oxbow, 1993.
152. CARVER, Martin Oswald Hugh, Underneath English Towns : Interpreting Urban Archaeology, London, Batsford, 1987.
153. DYER, Christopher, "Recent Developments in Early Medieval Urban History and Archaeology in England", dans DENECKE, Dietrich, SHAW, Gareth, Urban Historical Geography, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1988, p.69-80.
154. HINES, John, "North-Sea Trade and the Proto-Urban Sequence", dans Archaeologia Polona, 32, 1994, p.7-26.
155. HINTON, David Alban, Archaeology, Economy and Society. England from the fifth to the fifteenth century, London, Routledge, 1990.
156. OTTAWAY, Patrick, Archaeology in British Towns : From the Emperor Claudius to the Black Death, London, Routledge, 1992.
157. SCHOFIELD, John, LEECH, Roger, Urban Archaeology in Britain, London, Council for British Archaeology Research Reports, 61, 1987.
158. SCHOFIELD, John, Recent Archaeological Research in English Towns, London, Council for British Archaeology, 1981.
159. WILLIAMS, John, "A Review of Some Aspects of Late Saxon Urban Origins and Development", dans FAULL, Margaret, Studies in Late Anglo-Saxon Settlement, Oxford, Oxbow, 1984, p.25-34.

2.2.2. Ouvrages de synthèse géographiques, mais abordant des problèmes très techniques

160. BARROW, Julia, "Urban cemetery location in the high Middle Ages", dans BASSETT, Steven, Death in Towns. Urban responses to the dying and the dead, 100-1600, Leicester, Leicester University Press, 1992, p.78-100.
161. BLINKHORN, Paul, "Habitus, social identity and Anglo-Saxon pottery", dans CUMBERPATCH, Chris, BLINKHORN, Paul, Not So Much A Pot, More A Way Of Life, Oxford, Oxbow, 1997, p.113-124.
162. BODDINGTON, Andy, Raunds Furnells. The Anglo-Saxon Church and Churchyard, London, English Heritage Archaeological Association, 1996, p.65-85.
163. HALL, Alan Richard, KENWARD, Harry, Environmental Archaeology in the Urban Context, London, Council for British Archaeology Research Reports, 43, 1982.
164. HUGGETT, Jeremy, "Imported Grave Goods and the Early Anglo-Saxon Economy", dans Medieval Archaeologia, 32, 1988, p.63-96.
165. HURST, John, "The Pottery", dans WILSON, David MacKenzie, The archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England, London, Methuen, 1976, p.283-348.
166. MILNE, Gustav, HOBLEY, Brian, Waterfront Archaeology in Britain and Northern Europe (papers of the First International Congress on Waterfront Archaeology, London, April 1979), London, Council for British Archaeology Research Report, 41, 1981.
167. SERJEANTSON, Chris, WALDROM, Tony, Diet and Crafts in Town : The Evidence of Animal Remains from the Roman to the Post-Medieval Periods, British Archaeological Reports, British Series, 1989.

2.3. Etudes topographiques, toponymiques et géographie historique

2.3.1. Ouvrages généraux

168. ASTON, Michael, BOND, James, The Landscape of Town, London, Dent, 1976.
169. BARLEY, Maurice Wilmore, The Plans and Topography of Medieval Towns in England and Wales, London, Council for British Archaeology Research Reports, 14, 1976.
170. CONZEN, M. R. G., "The use of town plans in the study of urban history", dans DYOS, Harold James, The Study of Urban History, London, Leicester University Press, 1968, p.113-130.
171. DARBY, Henry Clifford, A New Historical Geography of England before 1600, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1976.
172. DENECKE, Dietrich, SHAW, Gareth, Urban Historical Geography : Recent Progress in Britain and Germany, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1988.
173. HINDLE, Brian Paul, Medieval Town Plans, Princes Risborough, Shire Publications, 1990.
174. LOBEL, Mary, Historic Towns Atlas, t. 1, London / Oxford, Lovell Johns, 1969.

2.3.2. Etudes régionales

175. CAMERON, Kenneth, The Place-Names of Lincolnshire : Part I, London, Batsford, English Place-Name Society, 1985.
176. CONZEN, M. R. G., Alnwick, Northumberland : An Essay in Town-plan Analysis, London, Publications of the Institute of British Geographers, 27, 1960.
177. FELLOWS-JENSEN, Gilian, "The Origin and Development of the Name York", dans ROLLASON, David, GORE, Derek, FELLOWS-JENSEN, Gilian, Sources for York History to AD 1100, York, York Archaeological Trust, 1998, p.226-237.
178. HASLAM, Jeremy, "The development and topography of Saxon Cambridge", dans Proceedings of the Cambridge Archaeological Society, 72, 1982, p.13-29.
179. SLATER, Terry, "The urban hierarchy in medieval Staffordshire", dans Journal of Historical Geography, 11, 1985, p.115-37.
180. SPOERRY, Paul, "The topography of Anglo-Saxon Huntingdon : a survey of the archaeological and historical evidence", dans Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, 84, 2000, p.35-47.
181. TATTON-BROWN, Tim, "The

topography of Anglo-Saxon London", dans Antiquity, 60, 1986, p.21-28.

2.3.3. Etudes thématiques

182. BLAIR, John, "Anglo-Saxon Minsters : A Topographical Review", dans BLAIR, John, SHARPE, Richard, Pastoral Care Before the Parish, Leicester, Leicester University Press, p.226-266.
183. CONZEN, M. R. G., "The plan analysis of an English city centre", dans NORBORG, Knut, Proceedings of the IGU Symposium in Urban Geography, Lund, 1960, Lund, CWK Gleerup, 1962, p.384-414.
184. KEENE, Derek, "Suburban growth", dans BARLEY, Maurice Wilmore, The Plans and Topography of Medieval Towns in England and Wales, London, Council for British Archaeology Research Reports, 14, 1976, p.71-82.
185. SLATER, Terry, "The analysis of burgage patterns in medieval towns", dans Area, 13, 1981, p.211-216.
186. SLATER, Terry, "Ideal and reality in English episcopal medieval town planning", dans Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 12, 1987, p.191-203.
187. SYMONDS, Leigh, "Territories in transition : the construction of boundaries in Anglo-Scandinavian Lincolnshire", dans GRIFFITHS, David, REYNOLDS, Andrew, SEMPLE, Sarah, Boundaries in Early Medieval Britain, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2003, p.28-37.

3. Monographies

3.1. Monographies régionales

3.1.1. Wessex, Surrey, Sussex, Kent, West Midlands

188. ALDSWORTH, Fred, FREKE, David, Historic Towns in Sussex : An Archaeological Survey, London, Sussex Archaeological Field Unit, 1976.
189. ASTILL, Grenville, Historic Towns in Berkshire : An Archaeological Appraisal, Reading, Berkshire Archaeological Committee publication, 1978.
190. ASTON, Michael, LEECH, Roger, Historic Towns in Somerset : Archaeology and Planning, London, Dent, 1977.
191. BLAIR, John, Later Anglo-Saxon Oxfordshire, 700-1100, Gloucester, Sutton, 1998.
192. DYER, Christopher, "The Hidden Trade of the Middle Ages : Evidence from the West Midlands of England", dans Journal of Historical Geography, 18, 1992, p.141-157.
193. GELLING, Margaret, The West Midlands in the Early Middle Ages, Leicester, Leicester University Press, 1992 : essentiellement p.146-153 et p.159-164.
194. HASLAM, Jeremy, Anglo-Saxon Towns in Southern England, Chichester, Phillimore, 1984.
195. HASLAM, Jeremy, EDWARDS, Annette, Wiltshire Towns : The Archaeological Potential, Devizes, Wiltshire Archaeology.& National History Society, 1976.
196. HILL, David, RUMBLE, Alexander, The Defence of Wessex, the Burghal Hidage and Anglo-Saxon Fortifications, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1996.
197. LEECH, Roger, Historic Towns in Gloucestershire, Bristol, Sutton, 1981.
198. LEECH, Roger, Small Medieval Towns in Avon, Archaeology and Planning, Bristol, The Committee For Recue Archaeology In Avon, 1975.
199. O’CONNELL, Martin, Historic Towns in Surrey, Guildford, Surrey Archaeological Society, 5, 1977.
200. PENN, K. J., Historic Towns in Dorset, Dorchester, Dorset Natural History & Archaeological Society, Monograph series, 1, 1980.
201. RODWELL, Kirsty, Historic Towns in Oxfordshire : A Survey of the New County, Oxford, Oxfordshire Archaeological Unit, 1975.
202. SIMS-WILLIAMS, Patrick, KEYNES, Simon, ORCHARD, Andy, Religion and Literature in Western England, 600-800, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2005 (réédition).
203. TATTON-BROWN, Tim, "The Anglo-Saxon Towns of Kent", dans HOOKE, Della, Anglo-Saxon Settlements, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1988, p.213-232.
204. YORKE, Barbara, Wessex in the Early Middle Ages, Leicester, Leicester University Press, 1995.

3.1.2. Danelaw, Essex, Mercia, East Anglia, Northumbria

205. ATKIN, Malcolm, "The Anglo-Saxon urban landscape in East Anglia", dans Landscape History, 7, 1985, p.27-40.
206. EDDY, M. R., PETCHEY, M. R., Historic Towns in Essex : An Archaeological Survey of Saxon and mediaeval towns, with guidance for their future planning, Chelmsford, Essex County Council, 1983.
207. HADLEY, Dawn, The northern Danelaw : its social structure, c. 800-1100, London, Leicester University Press, 2000.
208. HALL, Richard, "The Five Boroughs of the Danelaw : A Review of Present Knowledge", dans Anglo-Saxon England, 18, 1989, p.149-208.
209. HART, Cyril, The Danelaw, London, Hambledon, 1992.
210. HART, Cyril, "The Kingdom of Mercia", dans DORNIER, Ann, Mercian Studies, Leicester, Leicester University Press, 1977, p.43-62.
211. PLUNKETT, Steven, "The Mercian Perspective", dans FOSTER, Sally, The Saint Andrews Sarcophagus : A Pictish masterpiece and its international connections, Dublin, Four Courts, 1998, p.202-226.
212. RAHTZ, Philip, "The Archaeology of West Mercian Towns", dans DORNIER, Ann, Mercian Studies, Leicester, Leicester University Press, 1977, p.107-130.
213. ROFFE, David, The Derbyshire Domesday, Derby, Derbyshire Museum Service, 1986.
214. ROLLASON, David, Northumbria, 500-1100, Creation and destruction of a kingdom, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003.
215. SAWYER, Peter Hayes, Anglo-Saxon Lincolnshire, Lincoln, History of Lincolnshire Committee, 1998.
216. SHEERAN, George, Medieval Yorkshire Towns : People, Buildings and Spaces, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 1998.
217. STAFFORD, The East Midlands in the Early Middle Ages, Leicester, Leicester University Press, 1985.
218. WHYBRA, Julian, A Lost English County : Winchcombeshire in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries, Woodbridge, Boydell, 1990.

3.2. Wessex

3.2.1. Winchester

219. BIDDLE, Martin, "Excavations at Winchester, Interim Reports, 1964", dans Antiquaries Journal, 45, 1965, p.230-264 ; "1966", dans Antiquaries Journal, 47, 1967, p.251-279 ; "1967", dans Antiquaries Journal, 48, 1967, p.250-284 ; "1968", dans Antiquaries Journal, 49, 1968 ; etc.
220. BIDDLE, Martin, "Winchester : The Development of an Early Capital", dans JANKUHN, Herbert, SCHLESINGER, Walter, STEUER, Heiko, Vor- und Frühformen der europäischen Stadt im Mittelalter, Göttingen, Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften : philologisch-historische Klasse, 3 Folge, Nr. 83, 1973, p.229-261.
221. BIDDLE, Martin, "Felix Urbs Winthonia : Winchester in the Age of Monastic Reform", dans PARSONS, Tenth Century Studies : Essays in Commemoration of the Millennium of the Council of Winchester and Regularis Concordia, Chichester, Phillimore, 1975, p.123-140.
222. BIDDLE, Martin, KEENE, Derek, "Winchester in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries", dans BIDDLE, Martin, Winchester in the Early Middle Ages : an edition and discussion of the Winton Domesday, Winchester Studies, 1, Oxford, Clarendon, 1976, p.241-248.
223. BIDDLE, Martin, KJOLBYE-BIDDLE, Birthe, LAPIDGE, Michael, RUMBLE, Alexander, The Anglo-Saxon Minsters of Winchester, 4 vol, Oxford, Oxford University Press, Winchester Studies, 431, 2003.
224. BIDDLE, Martin, Winchester in the Early Middle Ages : An Edition and Discussion of Winton-Domesday, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1976.
225. BIDDLE, Martin, "The study of Winchester : archaeology and history in a British town, 1961-1983", dans STANLEY, Eric Gerald, British Academy papers on Anglo-Saxon England, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1989, p.299-341.
226. BIDDLE, Martin, GOODALL, Ian, HINTON, David, Object and Economy in Medieval Winchester, Winchester Studies, 7, ii, Oxford, Clarendon, 1992.
227. YORKE, Barbara, "The Foundation of the Old Minster and the Status of Winchester in the Seventh and Eighth Centuries", dans Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club, 38, 1982, p.75-84.
228. YORKE, Barbara, "The bishops of Winchester, the kings of Wessex and the development of Winchester in the ninth and early tenth centuries", dans Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society, 40, 1984, p.142-163.

3.2.2. Southampton

229. ADDYMAN, Peter, HILL, David, "Saxon Southampton : A Review of the Evidence, Parts I & II", dans Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club of Archaeological Society, 24-25, 1968, p.61-93 et 26, 1969, p.61-96.
230. ANDREWS, Philip, Excavations at Hamwic, II, York, Council for British Archaeology Research Report, 109, 1997.
231. ANDREWS, Philip, METCALF, Michael, TIMBY, Jane, Southampton Finds, vol. 1 : The Coins and Pottery from Hamwic, Southampton, Southampton City Museum, 1988.
232. HOLDSWORTH, Philip, "Saxon Southampton : a New Review", dans Medieval Archaeology, 20, 1976, p.26-61.
233. HOLDSWORTH, Philip, Excavations at Melbourne Street, Southampton, London, Council for British Archaeology Research Report, 33, 1988.
234. MORTON, Alan, Excavations at Hamwic, I, 1946-1983, London, Council for British Archaeology Research Report, 84, 1992.
235. PLATT, Colin, Medieval Southampton : The Port and Trading Community, AD 1000-1600, London, 1973.

3.2.3. Gloucestershire (Gloucester, Winchcombe)

236. BASSETT, Steven, "A Probable Mercian Royal Mausoleum at Winchcombe, Gloucestershire", dans Antiquaries Journal, 65, 1985, p.82-100.
237. ELLIS, Peter, "Excavations at Winchcombe", dans Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 104, 1986, p.95-138.
238. HEIGHWAY, Carolyn, Anglo-Saxon Gloucester, Gloucester, Alan Sutton, 1987.

3.2.4. Cricklade

239. HASLAM, Jeremy, "The Metrology of Anglo-Saxon Cricklade", dans Medieval Archaeology, 30, 1986, p.99-103.
240. LOYN, Henry Royston, "The Origin and Early Development of the Anglo-Saxon Borough with Special Reference to Cricklade", dans Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine, 58, 1961-1963, p.7-15.

3.2.5. Bramber

241. HUDSON, Timothy Peter, "The Origins of Steyning and Bramber, Sussex", dans Southern History, 2, 1980, p.11-29.

3.2.6. Bristol

242. KEEN, Laurence, ’Almost the Richest City’ : Bristol in the Middle Ages (British Archaeological Association, Conference Transactions, 19), Leeds, British Archaeological Association, 1997.

3.3. Kent

3.3.1. Canterbury

243. BLOCKLEY, Kevin, BLOCKLEY, Marion, BLOCKLEY, Paul, FRERE, Sheppard Sunderland, STOW, Sally, The Archaeology of Canterbury, vol 5 : Excavations in the Marlowe Car Park and Surrounding Areas, Canterbury, Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 1995.
244. BLOCKLEY, Kevin, SPARKS, Margaret, TATTON-BROWN, Tim, The Archaeology of Canterbury, vol 1 : Canterbury Cathedral Nave : Archaeology, History and Architecture, Canterbury, Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 1997.
245. BROOKS, Dodie, "The Case for Continuity in Fifth Century Canterbury Re-Examined", dans Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 7, 1988, p.99-114.
246. BROOKS, Nicholas, The Early History of the Church of Canterbury, Leicester, Leicester University Press, 1984.
247. TATTON-BROWN, Tim, "The Towns of Kent", dans HASLAM, Jeremy, Anglo-Saxon Towns in Southern England, Chichester, Phillimore, 1984, p.1-36.

3.4. West Midlands

3.4.1. Worcester

248. BAKER, Nigel, DALWOOD, Hal, HOLT, Richard, MUNDY, Charles, TAYLOR, Gary, "From Roman To Medieval Worcester : Development and Planning in the Anglo-Saxon City", dans Antiquity, 66, 1992, p.65-74.
249. BAKER, Nigel, HOLT, Richard, "The City of Worcester in the Tenth Century", dans BROOKS, Nicholas, CUBITT, Catherine, Saint Oswald of Worcester : Life and Influence, London, Leicester University Press, 1996, p.129-146.
250. BASSETT, Steven, "Churches in Worcester before and after the conversion of the Anglo-Saxons", dans Antiquaries Journal, 69, 1991, p.225-256.
251. CARVER, Martin Oswald Hugh, "Medieval Worcester : An Archaeological Framework, 680-1680 AD", dans Transactions of the Worcestershire Archaeological Society, 3rd ser., 7, 1980, p.1-12.

3.4.2. Hereford

252. SHOESMITH, Ron, "Hereford City Excavations", dans Council for British Archaeology Research Reports, 36, 1980 ; 46, 1982.

3.4.3. Tamworth

253. GOULD, Jim, "First Report on Excavations at Tamworth, Staffordshire, 1967 : The Saxon Defences", dans Transactions, Staffordshire Archaeological and Historical Society, 9, 1968, p.17-29.
254. GOULD, Jim, "Third Report on Excavations at Tamworth, Staffordshire, 1968 : The Western Entrance to the Saxon Borough", dans Transactions, Staffordshire Archaeological and Historical Society, 10, 1968, p.32-43.
255. RAHTZ, Philip, MEESON, Robert, An Anglo-Saxon Watermill at Tamworth, excavations on the Bolebridge Street area of Tamworth Staffordshire in 1971 and 1978, London, Council for British Archaeology Research Report, 83, 1992.

3.4.4. Oxford

256. BLAIR, John, St Frideswide’s Monastery of Oxford : Archaeological and Architectural Studies, Gloucester, Sutton, 1990
257. HASSALL, Tom, "Archaeology of Oxford City", dans BRIGGS, Grace, COOK, Jean, ROWLEY, Trevor, The Archaeology of the Oxford Region, Oxford, Oxford University Department for External Studies, 1986, p.115-134.

3.4.5. Meols

258. BULLOCK, Joseph, "The Celtic, Saxon and Scandinavian Settlement at Meols, Wirral", dans Transactions of the History Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 112, 1960, p.1-28.

3.4.6. Warwick

259. SLATER, Terry, "The origins of Warwick", dans Midland History, 8, 1983, p.1-13.

3.5. Essex

3.5.1. London

260. BROOKE, Christopher, KEIR, Gillian, London 800-1216, The Shaping of a City, Berkeley, California University Press, 1975.
261. CARLIN, Martha, Medieval Southwark, London, Hambledon, 1996.
262. COWIE, Robert, WHYTEHEAD, Robert, "Lundenwic : the archaeological evidence for Middle Saxon London", dans Antiquity, 241, 1989, p.706-718.
263. GRANT, Lindy, Medieval Art, Architecture and Archaeology of London (British Archaeological Association Conference Transactions), London, Maney & Son, 1991.
264. HORSMAN, Valerie, MILNE, Christine, MILNE, Gustav, Aspects of Saxo-Norman London, I : Building and Street Development, London, London and Middlesex Archaeological Society Special Paper, 11, 1998.
265. KEENE, Derek, "London in the early middle ages 600-1300", dans London Journal, 20-2, 1995, p.9-21.
266. KEENE, Derek, "Medieval London and its region", dans London Journal, 14-2, 1989, p.99-111.
267. MILNE, Gustav, Timber Building Techniques in London, c 900-1400, London, London and Middlesex Archaeological Society Special Papers, 15, 1992.
268. SCHOFIELD, John, "The Capital rediscovered : archaeology in the City of London", dans Urban History, 20-2, 1993, p.211-224.
269. SCHOFIELD, John, Medieval London Houses, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1995.
270. STEEDMAN, Ken, DYSON, Tony, SCHOFIELD, John, Aspects of Saxo-Norman London III : The Bridgehead and Billingsgate to 1200, London, London and Middlesex Archaeological Society Special Paper, 1992.
271. VINCE, Alan, "The Aldwych : mid-Saxon London discovered ?", dans Current Archaeology, 8, 1984, p.310-312.
272. VINCE, Alan, Aspects of Saxo-Norman London, II : Finds and Environmental Evidence, London, London and Middlesex Archaeological Society Special Paper, 12, 1991.
273. VINCE, Alan, Saxon London : an Archaeological Investigation, London, Seaby, 1990.

3.5.2. Bedford

274. BAKER David, BAKER Evelyn, HASSALL Jane, SIMCO Angela, "Excavations in Bedford, 1967-1977", dans Bedfordshire Archaeological Journal, 13, 1979, p.1-309.
275. HASLAM, Jeremy, "The Origin and Plan of Bedford", dans Bedfordshire Archaeological Journal, 16, 1983, p.29-36.
276. HASSALL, Jane, BAKER, David, "Bedford : aspects of town origins and development", dans Bedfordshire Archaeological Journal, 9, 1974, p.75-94.

3.6. Five Boroughs

3.6.1. Nottinghamshire (Nottingham, Newark)

277. HASLAM, Jeremy, "The Second Burh of Nottingham", dans Landscape History, 9, 1987, p.45-52.
278. KINSLEY, Gavin, "Excavations on the Saxo-Norman Town Defences at Slaughter House Lane, Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire", dans Transactions of the Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire, 97, 1993, p.14-63.
279. KINSLEY, Gavin, The Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Millgate, Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, Nottingham, Nottingham Archaeological Monograph, 2, 1989.
280. MARSHALL, Pamela, SAMUELS, John, Guardian of the Trent : The Story of Newark Castle, Newark, Newark Castle Trust, 1997.
281. NAILOR, Vicki, "A Preliminary Note on a Late Saxon Ware from Nottingham", dans Medieval Ceramics, 8, 1984, p.59-64.
282. ROFFE, David, "The Anglo-Saxon Town and the Norman Conquest", dans BECKETT, John, Centenary History of Nottingham, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1997, p.24-42.
283. SAMUELS, John, RUSSELL, Aleck, "An Anglo-Saxon Burial near Winthorpe Road, Newark, Nottinghamshire", dans Transactions of the Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire, 103, 1999, p.57-83.
284. YOUNG, CSB, Discovering Rescue Archaeology in Nottingham, Nottingham, Nottingham Museum, 1982.

3.6.2. Derby

285. RADFORD, Courtenay Arthur Ralegh , "The Church of Saint Alkmund, Derby", dans Derbyshire Archaeological Journal, 96, 1976, p.26-61.

3.6.3. Lincolnshire (Lincoln, Lindsey, Wells)

286. BATES, David, Bishop Remigius of Lincoln, 1067-1092, Lincoln, Honywood Press, 1992.
287. COLYER, Christina, GILMOUR, Brian, JONES, Michael, The Defences of the Lower City : Excavations at the Park and West Parade 1970-2 and a discussion of other sites excavated up to 1994, London, Council for British Archaeology Research Report, The Archaeology of Lincoln, vol. 7-2, 1999.
288. COX, Barrie, "The Pattern of Old English Burh in Early Lindsey", dans Anglo-Saxon England, 23, 1994, p.35-56.
289. DOBNEY, Keith, JACQUES, Deborah, IRVING, Brian, Of Butchers and Breeds : Report on Vertebrate Remains from Various Sites in the City of Lincoln, Oxford, Oxbow, Lincoln Archaeology Studies n°5, 1996.
290. EAGLES, Bruce, "Lindsey", dans BASSETT, Steven, The Origins of Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms, Leicester, Leicester University Press, 1989, p.202-212.
291. GILMOUR, Brian, STOCKER, David, Saint Mark’s Church and Cemetery, London, Council for British Archaeology Research Report, The Archaeology of Lincoln, vol. 13-1, p. 41-43, 1986.
292. JONES, Stanley, MAJOR, Kathleen, VARLEY, Joan, The Survey of Ancients Houses in Lincoln III : Houses in Eastgate, Priorygate and James Street, Lincoln, Lincoln Civic Trust, 1990.
293. JONES, Stanley, The Survey of Ancient Houses in Lincoln, IV : Houses in the Bail : Steep Hill, Castle Hill, and Bailgate, Lincoln, Lincoln Civic Trust, 1996.
294. LINDLEY, Philip, The Early History of Lincoln Castle, Occasional Papers in Lincolnshire History and Archaeology (Society for Lincolnshire History and Archaeology), 12, 2004.
295. MANN, Jenny, Early Medieval Finds from Flaxengate, I : Objects of Antler, Bone, Stone, Horn, Ivory, Amber and Jet, London, Council for British Archaeology Research Report, The Archaeology of Lincoln, vol. 14-1, 1982.
296. MILES, Paul, YOUNG, Jane, WACHER, John, A Late Saxon Kiln Site at Silver Street, Lincoln, London, Council for British Archaeology Research Report, The Archaeology of Lincoln, vol. 17-3, 1989.
297. O’CONNOR, Terry, Animal Bones from Flaxengate, London, Council for British Archaeology Research Report, The Archaeology of Lincoln, vol. 9-1, 1982.
298. PERRING, Dominic, Early Medieval Occupation at Flaxengate, Lincoln, London, Council for British Archaeology Research Report, The Archaeology of Lincoln, vol. 9-1, 1981.
299. PLATTS, Graham, Land and People in Medieval Lincolnshire, Lincoln, The King’s England Press, 1985.
300. SHAW, David Gary, The Creation of a Community : The City of Wells in the Middle Ages, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1993.
301. STEANE, Kate, The Archaeology of the Upper City and Adjacent Suburbs, Oxford, Oxbow, Lincoln Archaeology Studies n°3, 2006.
302. STEANE, Kate, The Archaeology of Wigford and the Brayford Pool, Oxford, Oxbow, Lincoln Archaeology Studies n°2, 2000.
303. STOCKER, David, VINCE, Alan, "The Early Norman Castle at Lincoln and a Re-Evaluation of the Original West Tower of Lincoln Cathedral", dans Medieval Archaeology, 41, 1997, p.223-33.
304. ULMSCHNEIDER, Katharina, "Settlement, economy and the "productive" site : Anglo-Saxon Lincolnshire AD 650-780", dans Medieval Archaeology, 44, 2000, p.53-79.
305. VINCE, Alan, "The New Town : Lincoln in the High Medieval Era (c. 900 to c. 1350)", dans JONES, Michael, STOCKER, David, VINCE, Alan, The City By The Pool : Assessing the Archaeology of the City of Lincoln, Oxford, Oxbow Books, Lincoln Archaeological Studies n°10, 2003, p.159-296.
306. VINCE, Alan, Pre-Viking Lindsey, Oxford, Oxbow, Lincoln Archaeology Studies n°1, 1993.
- BLACKBURN, Mark Alistair Sinclair, "Coin-Finds and Coin Circulation in Lindsey, 600-900", p.80-90.
- BRUCE-MITFORD, Rupert, "Late Celtic Hanging-Bowls in Lincolnshire and South Humberside", p.45-70.
- FOOTE, Sarah, "The Kingdom of Lindsey", p.129-140.
- GEM, Richard, "The Episcopal Churches of Lindsey in the Early Ninth Century", p.123-127.
- JONES, Michael, "The Latter Days of Roman Lincoln", p.14-28.
- STEANE, Kate, VINCE, Alan, "Post-Roman Lincoln : Archaeological Evidence for Activity in Lincoln in the Tenth Century", p.71-79.
- STOCKER, David, "The Early Church in Lincolnshire", p.101-122.
- YORKE, Barbaba, "Lindsey : the lost kingdom found ?", p.141-150.
307. YOUNG, Jane, VINCE, Alan, NAYLOR, Victoria, A Corpus of Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Pottery from Lincoln, Oxford, Oxbow, Lincoln Archaeology Studies n°7, 2005.

3.6.4. Leicestershire (Leicester, Stamford)

308. BAILEY, Richard, The Early Christian Church in Leicester and its Region, Leicester, Leicester University Press, 1980.
309. CONNOR, Aileen, BUCKLEY, Richard, Roman and Medieval Occupation in Causeway Lane, Leicester, Leicester, Leicester University Press, Leicester Archaeological Monograph 5, 1999.
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3.6.5. Northampton

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3.6.6. Torksey

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3.7. East Midlands

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3.8. East Anglia

3.8.1. Ipswich

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3.8.2. Norwich

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3.8.3. Thetford

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3.9. Northumbria

3.9.1. York

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- BLACKBURN, Mark Alistair Sinclair, "The coinage of Scandinavian York", p.226-237.
- HALL, Richard, "The topography of Anglo-Scandinavian York", p.489-490.
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3.9.2. Chester

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3.9.3. Doncaster

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